High school students with their hands up while a teacher is in the front of class teaching.

Transition to Teaching Overview

Designed to assist those who already have an undergraduate degree, five years of experience or a master’s degree, the Transition to Teaching (5-12) program at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) will prepare you to make the switch from your career into the classroom. Admission to the program requires a degree in the specified area of desire to be licensed. (例如, applicants wishing to teach mathematics much have a baccalaureate or master’s degree in mathematics).

的 Transition to Teaching (5-12) program at SMWC is a short, yet intensive program to prepare professionals to teach grades five through twelve. Our Transition to Teaching programs provide needed flexibility to fit your schedule. 在整个项目中, students will gain knowledge in area literacy, secondary instructional methods and principles of teaching diverse learners in educational settings. With a curriculum of 19 credit hours, including six credit hours of clinical experiences, you’ll be fully equipped to take new ideas and skills into the classroom.


What is Transition to Teaching (5-12)?
Transition to Teaching (5-12) is a licensure program that can assist individuals to pursue a career in specifically teaching grades five through twelve.

Why get a licensure in Transition to Teaching?
Earning a Transition to Teaching (5-12) licensure can not only help you gain skills and knowledge to take into the classroom, but the hands-on experiences in the program will allow you to put your skills into action before completing the program.

What can you do with a licensure in Transition to Teaching (5-12)?
By earning a licensure in Transition to Teaching (5-12), you will be able to teach students ranging from grades five to twelve.

What is the average salary of someone with a Transition to Teaching (5-12) licensure?
As you look at starting salaries, keep in mind that the cost of living and opportunities to move with a career or industry sector should also factor into your decision. Although a salary can vary among different positions, the average salary for teachers is $57,600,根据薪水.com.

What support and resources are provided at SMWC?
学习资源中心 (LRC) provides exceptional, personalized learning resource services to encourage student success. 的 LRC offers help with a range of academic support services, 包括一个写作中心, 辅导, college success courses and more.

Are there admission requirements?
All Alternate/Transition to Teaching Programs require completion of the following:

  • 项目课程
  • Gateway Process: Alternate Route
  • Basic competency (CASA/SAT/ACT/GRE)
  • 3.本科平均绩点0或2.5 GPA with 5 years experience, or a master’s degree
  • 背景调查
  • 3 professional recommendations
  • 论文和简历

联系 admissions to apply http://iwn.marylandbankruptcycourt.net/admission/

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is routinely ranked by US 新闻 and World Report among the Best Regional Universities in the Midwest and the 最具价值学校. Our departments are also routinely ranked for their individual degree programs.